Monday, May 22, 2017

I'm going to homestead

I'm probably crazy for even considering it, but why not? I don't like people and living off grid, on a homestead has secretly always been something I've wanted to do.
Yes, I know it's not as easy as it sounds, or else everyone would be doing it, right? You need land. Check, I have 7 acres. You need to know how to live off of said land. Checkish... I decided to give gardening another go, and it turns out that I'm not only good at it, I really enjoy it. Well, most of it.  I could do without all that nature nonsense. I'll get a bee keepers suit and everything will be OK! What else? Oh yes, you should be able to raise animals.   I had a goldfish once. Raising livestock is exactly the same, isn't it? No? Well pooh. Nonetheless I am now the proud owner of chickens and ducks. It's a good start, and if by some miraculous miracle they survive,  I can add rabbits and goats. As I type this out, I realize just how ridiculous this sounds. I mean seriously,  a city girl buys some land in the country and suddenly she thinks she's a farmer? You betcha!! I'm going to be that lady who makes her own bread and jams, collects eggs from the coop each morning and loves life. Or at least tries!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I just needed more!

Let me start off by saying, this is my first blog and I have no idea what I am doing!
What I do know is, being a sahm  (stay at home mom) is not enough for me. I spend my days cleaning house, changing diapers, pretending to have a life on social media, and running errands.  Don't get me wrong, I do love being a mom and housewife, BUT I can't be the only mother out there longing for something more... can I?
Going to work isn't an option right now, I've done the math and I simply could not afford to pay someone to watch my kids, the insurance I'd need on a second vehicle,  and hidden expenses that come with working. I have considered doing some of those work from home Jobs in see other moms posting about on social media,  but I don't know enough people to try and get them to buy fitness products, wraps, makeup,  jewelry... ect.  But what I do have is a lot of crap I don't need, but bought because,  well it was on sale and a trip to Walmart is pretty much how I get wild and crazy these days. I keep saying I'm going to have a yard sale, but I don't enjoy those at all, getting up early to set up, dealing with early birds and low ballers, then having to haul everything back inside that doesn't sell, back inside. No thank you! So what am I suppose to do with all this crap? Glad you asked! I got a booth at a peddlers mall.  I know it's not exactly a job, and I still won't have a life. But, I will have something for me, I'll hopefully make a few dollars and it's more than housework and diapers.  I hope to write about my adventures in buying and selling, and taking small steps each day to feeling like I have something. I'm hoping at least one person out there gets it.